Posted: March 31, 2022
Variables that contribute to resilience
- Biology
- Self awareness
- Tracking your emotions, thoughts, reactions
- Awareness of body
- Knowing your strengths, correcting for weaknesses
- Self regulation
- Changing thoughts, emotions, and reactions
- Changing physical responses (time outs)
- Goal setting
- Mental agility, look at things from multiple perspectives
- Perspective taking
- Problem solving
- Optimism, engine of resilience, believing in the hope for a better future
- Separate what you can control, accepting what you can’t
- Seeing stressors as challenges, not threats
- Self efficacy, self mastery
- Knowing your strengths or talents
- “I can” attitude
- Connection
- Attachment styles
- Relationships, having someone(s) to rely on
- Spirituality, attached to something larger than yourself
- Positive institutions
- Family (choice / origin), community, workplace
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