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Alternative Lifestyles

Alternative Lifestyle Therapy in Houston, Texas

When the inclination to live an alternative lifestyle lurks underneath your skin, you may feel alienated from your peers. You may feel like you just don’t belong – here in Houston, Texas, or anywhere in this world. Maybe you feel like nobody really sees you or understands you, or you feel the need to hide who you really are and deny yourself of the things you want. Do you ever find yourself wondering why you were even born at all?

There’s an old joke that goes something like this: White Anglo-Saxon Protestants have lives, everyone else has a lifestyle. Personally, I don’t find it funny; maybe you don’t either. Fortunately, the world is changing, and slowly, the people are too. More and more, we’re shifting away from these traditional White Anglo-Saxon Protestant ideals and embracing our truly unique and beautiful selves.

Common sense will only take you to common places, but uncommon sense can take you anywhere. Why limit yourself to what’s common when you were born to go so far beyond that? Don’t you want to discover all the places you could go?

Therapy can Help 

Dr. Carl Rogers was the creator of modern therapy and he once said, “what I am is good enough if I would only be it openly”. It seems to me that he wanted people to be who they are, and we believe he would have warmly embraced those who lead alternative lifestyles. In the time since he made that statement, we fact checked it, and yeah, having to hide who you are does create stressors. They come in the form of fear, identity crisis, self-loathing, anxiety, depression, and sometimes even suicidal thoughts.

Experiencing these stressors, whether all the time or just occasionally, is a clear indicator that you could benefit from the support of a therapist. Even if your life hasn’t been affected by any of these stressors just yet, therapy is a tool that can help you find ease in your atypical style of living. The question is, how do you find the therapist that’s right for you and your alternative lifestyle?

Dr. Brad Reedy is a hero of mine in the counseling world, and he related that you should look for the therapist who is looking for you. This idea is twofold. First, they should specialize in what your specific concern is, and second, they should be genuinely curious and excited about finding out who you are along with you.

We specialize in therapy for alternative lifestyles because we engage in our own forms of alternative lifestyles, and we’re genuinely interested in the different ways of living that other people choose. We love the beautiful and unique ways that people exist in this world, and how they grow and expand in their own alternative lifestyles.

Some of the alternative lifestyles we work with include kink, BDSM, LGBTQIA, Polyamory and Ethical Non-monogamy, secular or alternative faiths such as paganism, and more. In our work with these alternative lifestyles, we like to focus on relationships, self-acceptance, and personal empowerment.  

Alternative Therapy for Alternative Lifestyles

If you are questioning your passions, spiritual beliefs, values, roles in society, purpose in life, relationships, sexuality, or even just who you are as a person, we can help. If you feel confused or unsure, skeptical, hesitant, angry, frustrated, or disillusioned and stuck, we can work through those feelings together. My goal is to help you discover and embrace who you are, how you would like to show up in your own life and what you need from the people you love.

Whether your focus is on sexuality, faith, gender, relationship style, parenting, preferred community, full time traveling, or just generally living against the grain of society, We can support you on your personal journey toward living an empowered alternative lifestyle.

Not all counseling is created equal and choosing the right therapist for your personal needs can make a massive difference in how you feel as you work through your unique challenges or concerns. In whatever way you walk to your different beat, I have the experience and expertise to support you as you forgo social conventions, loud and proud or quiet and personal.

Who are you on the inside? Take a moment to imagine your life as it could be based on who you are and what you want for yourself. Maybe you’re in love all over again – with your current partner, a new partner, yourself, and/or the way you live your life. You are accepted for who you are and how you show up, you feel like you’re allowed to live and love in any way that feels natural for you, and you’re excited about the possibilities and opportunities ahead of you. How does that sound?


Start with a Free Consultation

Being a human can be such a strange thing, but it can also be so much fun. We like to share in that with my clients – embracing the strange and seeking the fun all at the same time. The infamous Oprah Winfrey is quoted on the IT Crowd, saying that “the biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams”. Few of the adventures we are able to take in our day-to-day lives can be as challenging and rewarding as exploring our own alternative lifestyles.

If you’re looking for a Houston, Texas, therapist because you feel like you need help navigating a world that makes you feel isolated and too strange to even exist, we are the therapists that are looking for you. When you’re ready to get started, contact us using the form below and schedule a free consultation. Then, if we both feel like it’s a good fit, we can explore your options for continued therapy together.

Work through your feelings, strengthen your relationship with yourself, and build the confidence you need to live your life exactly the way you want to live it. Maybe that feels impossible right now, but we’re here to help you see that it’s no just possible, but it is absolutely possible for you.