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Optimism, the engine of resilience, is believing in the hope for a better future. Optimists are fairly good at separating what they can control, accepting what they can’t, and seeing stressors as challenges, not threats.

Benefits of Optimism

  • Better health, recover from many injuries faster
  • Handle stress better
  • More social connections and greater relationship satisfaction
  • Happier, greater quality of life
  • Decreased depression

Improving Optimism

  • Research shows it can be learned!
  • Dispositional optimism – A general belief good things are going to happen, life is basically good. Generally, people are born this way.
  • Explanatory style theory – One’s explanatory style is reflexive and is one’s answers to “what caused that?”. This is the learnable part.
    • Internal vs external, optimists believe things be controlled by themself
    • Stable vs unstable, optimists believe things can change
    • Global vs specific, optimists believe that what is happening is just in this case, not always and everywhere
  • Behaviors
    • Cognitive (i.e. mental) habits of optimists
      • Can identify problems
      • View stressors as a challenge, not just a threat
      • Identify what can be controlled, accept what can’t be
      • Approach oriented, come up with strategies to try
        • Pessimists withdraw
      • Seek out information or help
      • Take action (using that information)
      • Cultivate positive emotions
      • Use humor to cope
      • Have an Exercise routine
      • Eat healthier

Increase Optimism

    • Name optimistic traits as you perform them or see them to build awareness. Explain what you notice to others. Praise the traits and other people.
    • Reframe challenges through explanatory style theory, piece by piece
    • Take action somewhere

Wonder if you already are an optimist? or want to see you amount of optimism grow? Try the optimism survey here.

Have any thoughts, questions, suggestions, or comments on this article? Broken link? Wondering how to this can be applied, modified, or adapted to your polyamorous, swinging, kink/ BDSM, or otherwise interesting relationship? Feel free to reach out to us here.