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Mission and Legacy

This exercise is designed for you to write about some aspects of your own life and your own personality that will help both you and your partner understand you better. In your own notebook, answer the following questions as honestly as you can. It’s ok to just write an outline or jot down some notes. In Happy Together we learn the best relationships are among partners who support each other using their strengths to reach major goals.

Write the Mission Statement of Your Own Life

  • What are your life dreams? (Possibly explore the “Miracle Question”)
  • What is it that you definitely want to do in your life that you have not yet fulfilled?
  • What are you trying to accomplish? (This can be creating something or an experience you want to have.)
  • What is your larger struggle?
  • We are all involved in becoming the person we most want to be like. In that struggle we all have our own demons to fight and overcome. What is the story of the kind of person you would like to be?
  • What have been your struggles in trying to become that person?
  • What demons in yourself have you had to fight?
  • What legacy would you like to leave this world with?


After completing your writing, share your answers with your partner and discuss.

  • How does your relationship support each of your missions and legacies?
  • How can your partner be better at supporting them?


Have any thoughts, questions, suggestions, or comments on this article? Broken link? Wondering how to this can be applied, modified, or adapted to your polyamorous, swinging, kink/ BDSM, or otherwise interesting relationship? Feel free to reach out to us here.