CPR for Couples
Posted: April 1, 2023
Also known as a compliment sandwich, we present a conversation and bid with a partner with a Compliment, Problem, and Request (CPR).
- Compliment
- Reflect on and share what is working. “The thing(s) I believe are going well…”
- Share what it means to you and what you appreciate about it (Gratitude List)
- “What I appreciate about what is going well is (are) ____ because ______.”
- Problems
- Present the challenge you would like to discuss.
- What would you like to be different?
- What are your needs? (Time, money, resources, emotional, etc.)
- Describe the situation as you see it, avoiding labeling and “always / never”. Focus on what is important to you.
- Present the challenge you would like to discuss.
- Request
- State what you would like to happen.
I feel [emotion] about [event, not partner], I need [clear, concrete, positive need], thank you.
Have any thoughts, questions, suggestions, or comments on this article? Wondering how to this can be applied, modified, or adapted to your polyamorous, swinging, kink/ BDSM, or otherwise interesting relationship? Feel free to reach out to us here.