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Consensus Decision-Making Task: Mountain Survival Problem

Consensus Decision-Making Task: Mountain Survival Problem


Use the forms that follow to try to problem-solve on a problem unrelated to their relationship. The goal of this exercise is to try to improve skills in working together as a team, compromising, accepting and giving influence. 



First, fill out the individual form, then do it again together..


Use the following form to try to problem-solve a problem unrelated to your relationship. The goal of this task is to try to improve skills in working together as a team, compromising, accepting and giving influence. 


Situation: Your plane has crash-landed on a high, snowy mountain top in the Swiss Alps. The two of you are the only survivors, and one of you is somewhat injured. You have no real idea of exactly where you are. You think that there is

some chance that people may know of the plane’s distress, but you are not sure. A storm appears to be on the way. You decide that you all need to descend the mountain. 


Rank order the following items for their survival value according to your plan, with a 1 for the most important item, a 2 for the next most important item, and so on. First, rank order these individually, on your own. Think of your reasoning for your rankings.


  • Oxygen tanks
  • Radio (one-way)
  • Water
  • Skis
  • Matches
  • Shovel
  • Backpack
  • Toilet paper
  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Knife
  • Snowshoes
  • Lantern
  • Cook stove
  • Long rope
  • Walkie-talkie
  • Freeze-dried food
  • Dental floss
  • Boots
  • Flares
  • Compass
  • Regional aerial maps
  • A gun with six bullets
  • Camera and film
  • First aid kit


Come together and form a single plan and rank the items as partners.


Questions to ask yourselves afterwards:

  • What tactics did you use that were influential?
  • How do you INCLUDE or EXCLUDE the other person?
  • How do you work together as a team?
  • What was the emotional tone in the discussion?
  • Were you having fun? If not, what emotions did you feel?


Rate the interaction the two of you had during this exercise:

  • Were you both effective at influencing each other? Notes about influence attempts and the results:


  • Were you both effective at being able to accept influence? Notes about accepting influence:


  • Was there a dominance struggle or competitiveness? Notes about competitiveness or dominance struggle:


  • Did anyone sulk or withdraw? Notes about withdrawal:


  • What were the emotions and actions like during this task? Notes:
    • Anger:
    • Sadness:
    • Tension:
    • Contempt (one person believing he or she is better than the other):
    • Amusement or laughter:
    • Interest:
    • Affection (appreciations):
    • Kindness:


  • Did you both feel included in this task? Notes:


  • Did you both work well as a team? Notes:


  • Did you each have fun? Notes:


Have any thoughts, questions, suggestions, or comments on this article? Wondering how to this can be applied, modified, or adapted to your polyamorous, swinging, kink/ BDSM, or otherwise interesting relationship? Feel free to reach out to us here.