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3 Good Things

3 Good Things


Three Good Things (TGT) or What-Went-Well is an end-of-the-day journaling exercise to help us shed our negative bias in seeing and remembering events. It prompts us to view things more often in a positive light and helps us cultivate gratitude, increase optimism, and boost happiness. Results show in a week.




  • As you wind up your day and prepare to go to bed, sit down on your bed or a chair nearby. Now close your eyes for a while, and look back on your day. Go over in your mind the things that happened in your presence and the things you did today.


  • Think of three things that went well. Find three great highlights of your day. Remember, we are talking only about the positive things that happened during the day. It is important to draw your thoughts away from any untoward event because that behavior is natural to us. In doing this, we force our minds to focus on the good things, so we learn to let go of our negative bias in remembering things.


  • Once you find three such events that made you smile and feel happy, even if in a small way, write them down. You could use a paper or a digital journal. Write about the three feel-good happenings in your day.


  • Finally, spend 15 to 20 seconds reflecting on each event. Think about how it was different from any other event today and why you would remember it. Repeat it daily for a week. After that, you could do it once a week for at least six weeks.


Have any thoughts, questions, suggestions, or comments on this article? Wondering how to this can be applied, modified, or adapted to your polyamorous, swinging, kink/ BDSM, or otherwise interesting relationship? Feel free to reach out to us here.